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Posts posted by michellejames73gq

  1. On 02.02.2022 at 02:58, markeh said:


    Think about how you might use a list of tasks/projects:

    ► Organized (sorted) by overall priority.

    ► Organized by priority within "project" - in EN terms, this could reasonably mean organized by note.

    ► Organized (sorted) by how soon something is due.

    ► Organized by "sub-tasks" - To get Item X done, I first need to complete A, B, and C.

    ► Being able to sort the same list by any of these criteria.

    I think this is all pretty common, old school, well established ways of trying to make yourself most efficient and effective. Not much new here. This is how effective task/project management systems work. If EN wants to be in the task/project management business, I think they need to do all of this.

    It seems to me that the advantage of doing this on a computer, instead of on paper, is the ability to easily view this same data multiple ways. Other task/project management products already do this.

    What really could help I think is the information from this site https://studyhippo.com/test-answers/time-management-skills/ , there is some really usefull information. Mostly its about test answers, but I think we could inspire from here and get some really nice ideas.

    EN starts with a really interesting capability - I can put a task in any note, and it magically appears in the global task list. Being able to view the data in multiple ways is the next step.

    I predict you will get there sooner rather than later, or give up being in the task/project management business. .

    Hope that answers your question - just my 2¢ worth......



    agreed, good point. I just noticed that there is not enough prioritizing and probably "sorting" for the tasks. Ok, we have those flags, but probably it is still NOT enough. imho 

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