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Posts posted by Crossstream

  1. It seems it is only possible to create internal links as web links on mobile devices (iphone and ipad at least), and this is not a problem when using mobile devices as the links will still open up within the Evernote app. However, when on a Mac computer internal links can be both web links and app links, and therefore all the links created on mobile devices will open up in a browser instead of within the Evernote app on the Mac.

    This is so frustrating. Just fix it already!

    Either have the same two options for internal links on mobile devices or better yet make the same link work on either app/web depending on the platform you use (if you're operating a web version of Evernote it opens in a new tab, if operating in the app it opens in the app).  

  2. Seriously. It amazes me how Evernote can be successful sometimes. 

    This is such a simple feature that should have been executed 10 years ago! Of course you need to be able to chose what thumbnail you want the note to show. It has such great value for the USER (your paying customers), and still you don’t do it!!? What is the reasoning behind not executing on this? 

    Also, is it right that the thumbnail changes based on size? If you create a note with only one image, I believe that image will remain the thumbnail no matter how many other pictures/formats you add afterwards, right? So a work-around is, if you know what thumbnail you want, to create a note with only that thumbnail and then add the rest of the content after saving it. But seriously, just fix it already! 

    I have used Evernote since 2011 and paying customer most of the years. I would definitely recommend the product if you were just more customer-centric. At least explain why you haven’t/don’t want to make it possible to change thumbnail. 

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