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About Greg1234

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  1. I am not holding my breath for a change but the current functionality is also limited unless there is integration with email such as those extensions that also check dictionaries. That said, there is also an issue with how the Tags are selected - I mentioned this a while back. With the extension you can type any word and if it appears anywhere in the Tag it will show up but in the desktop version which should be more powerful you must enter the word in the order it appears in the tag. Example Bank Extension --- Big Bank (found) Desktop --- Big Bank (not found) Desktop --- Big..... (found) *** seems as if they are using a simple index to search via the desktop and a string search in the extension. Back to the issue - the ask is simple in that if it does not exist/create it and I the user makes a spelling mistake that creates duplicates etc so be it .... it is still far easier to work with than having to go back into the app, load the note and add the Tag
  2. When I send an email to Evernote I currently have to send it and then edit it when it reaches Evernote because Tags in the subject line are not recognized if they do not exist. It would be far more convenient to have the Tags created if they do not exist already, especially if I need to clean up more than one entry at a time. Example: Subject: RE This is a test of Evernote #Test If the Tag "Test" does exist in Evernote the email will be saved but there will be no Tags attached to the note.
  3. Usually I find apps have more functionality than browser extensions but in this case it is the opposite and a bit frustrating. When I add a web page or article when browsing I can add Tags by typing words that are in my existing Tags. When I am in the app though this does not work - I have to enter the name of the tag from left to right like the simple indexes of old. I could understand if the functionality did not exist but why degrade the main app which is supposed to add the most functionality and be where you do the most work - certainly clean up etc. Can you possibly switch the main app to use the same functionality as the browser? It would be much appreciated because right now I can't be bothered cleaning up Tags because it is too time consuming due to the lack of functionality.
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