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Posts posted by its4ken

  1. Hi PinkElephant,

    Yup, I had already checked that the extension is ticked. Unchecking the box removes the WebClipper toolbar button from Safari, selecting it brings the toolbar back, but still in it's 'greyed out' state. 

    I then shut down Safari, removed the WebClipper app to the trash. Reloaded Safari and checked to see that the WebClipper extension was removed from Safari/Preferences/Extensions, and it was gone.

    I re-installed WebClipper, started Safari, and checked that the WebClipper extension was there, it was. I checked the tick box, and the WebClipper extension popped up in the toolbar, but it is still 'greyed out'. I shut down Safari and restarted it, but the WebClipper toolbar icon is still 'greyed out'.

    I am not sure what to do next. Any ideas most appreciated.

  2. Hi, I also have exactly the same problem. I have an old 2011 iMac using OS High Sierra 10.13.6, Safari 13.1.2 and Web Clipper 7.18.0.

    The Web Clipper toolbar button is 'greyed out'. It has been like this for a couple of months where I have been unable to use Web Clipper.

    I have successfully uninstalled and re-installed Web Clipper, but to no avail.

    This is most annoying, as Web Clipper is such a useful tool (in the past).

    Is this a known problem ? and will/would/could this problem be resolved by the dev's team next update ?

    Any info/update would be most appreciated.

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