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marc a

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Posts posted by marc a

  1. On 3/29/2024 at 6:51 AM, caljewel said:

    Hey Promosinc, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You were right, that was the solution all along - I just had to choose a default notebook and it solved both issues. I'm now able to clip articles as well as create new notes! I was able to do it with both Evernote desktop or Evernote web, both allowed me to choose my default notebook. I need to remember that as a way to troubleshoot Evernote in general - just switch my default notebook on desktop, then sync, then close out and reopen and then go back and choose my original notebook. That has helped in the past but I completely forgot about doing it this time. Thanks again!!!!

    Yes, Promosinc I second that THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    The solution you posted works!!

    this had been driving me crazy for months and not being able to clip from my phone had really impeded my workflow.

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  2. 5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    You obviously misunderstood the blog post. This is about command / shortcuts.

    You find the regular shortcuts here:


    thanks for the response.  I don't really understand what you mean.  I am exactly interested in using many of the shortcuts mentioned in that blog post which are now available in legacy.  will they all be available in the current version?  (especially  Capture screen    Alt + Ctrl + S)

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