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Posts posted by Lmeagno

  1. Evernote recently added collapsible headers, and it's a great feature we've been waiting for. If you're like me, you like using headers not just to summarize blocks of text but also to sort and organize chunks of texts under different topics and themes. Sometimes you have a complex text dump or creative mess that needs a lot of organization. I'd request a QOL shortcut (ctrl + m, as a random example) that collapses all headers (small, medium and large) in a note. It would reduce lost scrolling time and help "reset" a big note that uses many headers to organize itself.

    Additionally, it'd be nice to have collapsible headers for tables as well. I understand, for formatting, there's less left margin space within a cell to place the ">" collapse icon inside, and I'm not use what new wizardry the engineers would have to weave to make it happen, but it'd be another nice organizational feature for those of us who like to have quick, readable access to a lot of information.

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