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About Miekevson

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  1. Okay so I have the app installed and started adding all my notes, I was contemplating moving to evernote but I may just hold off since, 1. support is not responding, 2. it's all messed up. So, my web browser evernote is working fine but I would love to use the app on my computer. It was all working great until I shut down my computer and the next day, all my notes seemed to have disappeared. Well, I found out they're all still in there but it's not recognizing all the tags I set. Last night all of a sudden it all looked normal so I was like, okay, it maybe took time to sync. Mind you I only have 135 notes in there now so if it takes that long to sync that would be a problem for me. This morning I opened the app back up and I had the same issue. Some tags are recognized in the notes, but most are not. This is a problem. I have a loom here to show you what it's doing, I made this loom when I thought my notes had disappeared. They actually are still there but if you search on tag name, it won't show the notes, though the tag still shows the note count, they're there and tagged accordingly. Very odd and not a good thing, I need this to work, or a solution I can do myself when this happens so I don't have to wait on support for 3 days. That's just crazy. https://www.loom.com/share/5862ae39de1043a0b9e7b72c605058b8
  2. I'm thinking I have a syncing problem but not sure. My computer crashed, go figure. And when I opened up my evernote app all my notes are there but it doesn't reflect in the tag tree. Though the notes are still tagged it looks. It's working fine in my browser, it's just the app. I signed in and out of my account in the app, I reinstalled the app. It's still showing the note count but no notes. See video: https://www.loom.com/share/5862ae39de1043a0b9e7b72c605058b8 Also, just noticed that when I add new tags in the app or the web version it WILL update immediately. I just need to find out why my current tags do not populate now though. I am testing evernote to switch from my current program to this one, but having these issues may be a deal breaker, the notes I save are basically my brain lol.
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