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Posts posted by aeschallerer

  1. Hi there! 

    I recently started grad school and am studying to be a nurse practitioner so -- medical topics. Trying to figure out the best way to take notes on the lecture slides without printing them, which are provided to us in PDF format only with options to download PDF versions with 2, 3, or 6 slides per page. All that being said, a lot of the slides have images (anatomical diagrams with fine details/small labels for different parts, pictures of assessment findings etc) that are NOT readable if they are pixelated. When I upload a PDF to Evernote, it substantially decreases the quality of the document and renders it nearly useless as a study tool. I was considering upgrading to Evernote Personal, but I don't want to pay for it if it's going to make all of my lecture slides pixelated. 

    I included a screenshot of what it looks like when I try to zoom in on an image on a slide after importing the PDF to Evernote (granted this is just a silly slide, but I still can't even read what's on it). 

    Does anyone have any insight/experience with this issue? Is this something that could be resolved upon upgrading from the free version to the personal version? 

    Any insights from Evernote support or users alike is much appreciated! And if you have suggestions for other softwares that will not do this then I would appreciate that too, if Evernote isn't able to allow us to upload PDFs for annotation without altering the quality. I have tried editing/annotating directly in Adobe but am having issues with a glitch that is not letting me save the file after hours spent annotating it while listening to the lecture, so I am desperately searching for other options.   

    yours truly, 

    stressed out med student

    Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 2.03.18 PM.png

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