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About romanrusso

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  1. Hello Jon, In this topic, I'm trying to give ideas for the development of Evernote. Since I like it and I'm a paid user, I have all my to-do notes here. Recently, I tried out the new "tasks" feature, which is great, but it is still very much underdeveloped. I'm really hoping Evernote will improve this feature. My current problem with it is that it's very hard to use when one has hundreds of tasks. It becomes a nightmare to sort them, with tasks piling up on top of each other. What I'm asking for is a way to make everything more organized and easy, such as: - Adding tags (e.g., project 1, project 2, ...) to different tasks. - Implementing a drop-down menu so that similar tasks can be grouped together. - Fixing the issue with shortcuts not working properly, such as the "search" function - Simplifying the process of changing dates on tasks. Maybe introduce a drag and drop system? These are just a few points off the top of my head. I'm looking forward to your improvements!
  2. I've just started to use tasks and I'm loving this feature. However, my problem with tasks is that there is no way to different different types of tasks beyond priority. Currently, I have over 200+ tasks, and not all of them are relevant to what I want to do right now, so it becomes a soup on things I need to review, while I want to create more focus by being able to select specific tasks to focus upon. In my view it can be done with tags, folders, on in any other way. Thank you
  3. intitle:books This didn't work. Also, search function should not be too complicated and it should work same as in word or any other program in my opinion...
  4. This is one of the examples I'm aware of. I know this not to be an isolated incident.
  5. Alright, so I have Evernote installed on the phone and computer. In a basic plan, I have only access to 2 devices. I tried to login to website version, but it say that I can't use it because of other 2 devices (or I need to update plan). So I guess your solution would not work for me?
  6. Mike, issue persists. I have extensive notes going far back, meaning that it is inconvenient for my to just manually filter through everything. Hence, I need search function, which is not working properly. Everything is synced and updated to last version of evernote.
  7. The issue is rather simple, but it is rather annoying. I'm searching for notes in the search bar. I know for a fact that they exist because I double checked their existence. They simply don't show up if I search them. I even copy pasted what I wanted to search from a note and still it does not show up. I am having this issue for some time now. I've updated my evernote to the latest version. The bug was not fixed. Please fix.
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