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Posts posted by mdsd77

  1. these red dots with numbers in them were driving me nits - yes it is annoying.... but then I learned it is the number outstanding of reminders still  counting down - well I was still not convinced it is something I want on my devices - but I can live with it - I do have some set up to the year 2024 - but I set the reminder - I should have an option to see this red dot thing or not.

    but at the least an explanation of what it is without having to go online to figure it out.


  2. from writing songs, movie scripts, DIY projects around the house, keeping life in general organized, I would love to see the ability after adding a note to set multiple reminder dates all within one app - Evernote! (yes I need an extra push sometimes as I can get off track on different projects)

    talk about a time saver?

    it falls within the spirit of the app and its users....!

    I may be wrong, but now I have to reset a reminder every time it actuates?

    Daily - weekly - monthly would be awesome as choices, along with annually for some.

    and a "stop" button as well - to kill all future reminders.




    • Like 4
  3. I have been taking many photos lately and using skitch to mark them up - Frustrated every time with skitch - would like to see a simple text box function - and a select/grab and move tool option (pointer and hand)...


    But my data usage seems rather high - does Skitch when appending the marked up image re-save the entire image and increase my usage?


    when it should only append the image?


    I also would like to see an image reducer and an option to save the original image as is.... I am more than fine with EN shrinking my image to the 72 DPI so it would look great on my screen ( or save the original image but present a 8x6 image thumbnail) with the original image accessible if needed.

  4. hello - okay found this thread because I had some questions: ( I am a premium user)


    and I am sure this has been beat into ground a few times elsewhere...


    I finally want to share a notebook (I understand what a notebook is)

    now in that Notebook are other notebooks (stacks?).. i am assuming thats what a notebook with other notebooks in them are called?

    so, if I have a "notebook" called Family - with my kids names in the subnotebooks as follows








    I won't be able to share Family with them and they would ALL see ALL the folders above?


    I would only be able to share a Notebook called "Family" with no other notebooks to be seen?


    and that would be the definition of no stacks can be shared?

    is that true with business members as well?


    thank you for your time and responses.... MD


    _ premium user

    - using the 3 notebook method with tags, to eliminate the to many notebooks mess (i had to re-organize just recently- as it was out of hand)


    notebooks I have:

        -inbox       (my renamed default folder to process notes)

        -work        ( ha, I am retired, so there is nothing here, but you never know!)

        -Personal (302 notes)


    want to start and share a notebook(s) with my family - trying figure that out.

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