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Posts posted by trotta

  1. Sorry was having a particularly bad day.

    YES!!!  OS/ Application updates are the single most critical activity we can and should do on our system. Id rather loose access to my system and apps due to a bad update, then be a victim of an intrusion or data theft.

    Interesting take on Chrome.... for me anyway, i choose the right tool for the job. In this instance yes Chrome; also I also rely up yep Firefox, Firefox Dev and somewhat embarrassing Safari.

    Thanks for your assistance


    A solution would be appreciated!!

    If i have to do the testing for you (evernote) i will.

    Official input from EVERNOTE would be appreciated!!

    • Like 1
  2. yeah, I value and rely on the stability of my system.

    I run the latest proven stable.... Proven being the operative word. Not sure if you have noticed, but apple has a habit of releasing updates that inadvertently break stuff. Or releasing a major release and less than a day later a critical update.... I don't play games, i use this system for work and need confidence in the integrity of the platform.

    So you're suggesting that apple have updated their API hooks, and evernote made the decision to forgo support for legacy and will not only work with the new version?

    I appreciate your interest, and your approach is solid but any change procedures should take into consideration the degree of confidence in the change, ie that it will not introduce more issues, or unknown var's. ie u do all your troubleshooting <whatever still doesn't work>, then update if <whatever still doesnt work> u cannot have confidence in any of the previously acquired troubleshooting data...


  3. MacOS BigSur 11.2.3 (20D91)

    10.18.3-mac-mas-public (458749)
    Editor: v128.0.16354
    Service: v1.37.11

    Chrome Version 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    Premium Member.


    Clipping generates PDF's with .php extension, each clipped file is named "generate_invoice_pdf.php"

    The PDF's are actually there, just cannot preview or initiate "open", have to manually save, replace the .php extension with PDF to open them.

    Surprised you rely on extensions, when the action is save PDF, and the files meta is a PDF, yet saved as a.php, and no apparent way to fix in app, let alone on 10+ clips...








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