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Posts posted by AliBali

  1. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Any problem to simply start EN v10 with the computer, and let it run in the background ?

    That's what I did for a couple of weeks, but leaving the app open just to use the helper uses a lot more memory than I'd prefer, and given my computer's age and my usage of other apps, it was a little less than ideal. I've since installed a small menubar app to use instead. Thanks though!

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  2. Previously, the elephant icon in the menu bar would stay permanently in the menu bar even after quitting the app. This was incredibly useful, because the helper could be used as an extremely accessible to-do list throughout the day, as well as a tool to quickly save links and ideas for later without having to open the entire app (which is much slower).

    With version 10, whenever I quit the Evernote app, the helper disappears with it, rendering the function pretty much useless. This also doesn't work on the legacy version Overall, this has taken away one of the few main uses I have for Evernote. Would really like the permanent helper icon back, without needing to open the app!!

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