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Mike Archuleta

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Posts posted by Mike Archuleta

  1. Ok, my bad.  My apology.  (I thought I was doing quite well even finding this thread.  )

    When I'm having to search through 40 documents and I'm looking at having to wait for 30 minutes to get through all of them, wouldn't you concur that is at best, unacceptable?  For years the search/filter has worked just fine:  Type in a word, boom, there's the list.  Pick a note, boom, there it is with the word high lighted.  It was instantaneous.  Perhaps RTE is seen as a great step forward for many.  But for little old me, it is a step backwards.  I just am puzzled why it takes so long?  My documents are small - usually less than a 1000 words. 

    My frustration got the better of me. 

  2. I've just noticed this problem.  I did a search on a word and instantly received a list of some 40 notes.  When I click on one of these notes, it can take up to a minute before the content of the note is visible.  These are really small text-only documents, too.   I do see in the lower right corner a message saying "Saving".   It seems odd that the search can respond promptly but that the display of one document is forever.  This is totally unacceptable.

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