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Posts posted by cbbernard

  1. I am a personal user, not a techie nor a business therefore, I am not tied to my laptop daily. I'm currently using EV as my info storage, ToDoist for task managment, and Google Calendar for scheduling. This new function seems promising but I need it to play nice with Google Calendar as that is what controls my day. I would like to be able to see tasks on the day they are due when viewing my calendar. I'm using ToDoist to link EV to GC but the middleman factor is cumbersome. ToDoist allows me to see the task in my calendar but I cannot directly access EV to retrieve the actual note for follow through. I must click the task and within the task is the link to my EV note. Streamlining this task process would be perfect. If EV task functions were as flexible as ToDoist task functions (snoozing tasks, reminder pop ups in calendar, allow for recurring tasks, etc.) then I'd call it close to nirvana.


    On 6/3/2021 at 11:49 AM, Scott T. said:

    A Home widget for tasks is coming soon.


    On 6/3/2021 at 5:57 PM, Paul A. said:

    Putting a link right in the task would make it very quick and easy to access both notes when one goes to work on the task in the future.

    I firmly second these suggestions!


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