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Posts posted by zxcv654

  1. 57 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Ouch.  I'm afraid I didn't know...  I'm still firmly Legacy!  It might still be worthwhile using that version to resolve this - any changes you make will still sync to V10.  The advantage being that in Legacy you can use ENscript and sort on various field names,  and so (hopefully) find the notes you need.  Worst case you could export to ENEX and re-import in v10 to generate the "untitled note" heading and then search for that...  Let us know how you get on!! 

    I checked with support.  You can search intitle:untitled, but for me that finds only a fraction of the notes that v10 has no title in the metadata.

    I learned some things in the process - 


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  2. On 1/7/2021 at 2:46 AM, Job Kerssies said:

    I have thousands of notes and they all have titles. But if I look at the note information window, it reads : 'no title'  ('naamloos',  in Dutch'. This might explain why no titles appear in Onenote, after converting my notes to Onenote: Evernote has left this field appearantly empty. Why is this so? Have other users the same experience? I use Windows 10 and Evernote 10.5.7



    This is a late reply, but I am also working on a data export and ran into this issue.

    If you export to .enex from v10  these old "auto-titled" notes have this in the metadata.


    If you export to .enex from v6, the same note has a title in the metadata.



    If you run your export from v6 instead of v10, your notes may export with the "auto-title" intact.

    I'm going to test this with YARLE and Obsidian.

  3. 16 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  Display notes as a list.  Sort by title.  The blanks will be at the bottom or the top.  If that doesn't work in v10,  it certainly will in Legacy.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    What I'm trying to see is all the notes that are using the first line of the note as the title and the "Title" field is actually blank.

    As you know Evernote used to default to putting the first line as the title.

    If you export to enex from 10 from one of those older notes, the title is "Untitled Note".

    So, I guess what I'm looking for is "In v10, which notes have an empty "Title" field.


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