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Posts posted by halriko544

  1. It do not works.

    How can I check which note is completely downloaded and which not?

    In android are symbols to check if the whole folder is offline. And in Legacy was a symbol in each note.

    But here I have to kill the internet and check "into the blue". I can not see which is completed and which not.

    I have no control.



    I have had V10 on my desktop since yesterday.

    I have also clicked on all my 2000 notes so that they are also offline.

    When I turn off the internet, the PDFs etc. do not work. These were not downloaded. Apparently only the text and images are downloaded.

    a) What do I have to do so that Evernote downloads everything?

    b) What is the easiest way to make a backup? With the old Evernote, I backed up the entire folder. But data seems to be missing here, so it's useless.

    c) What are the folders I have to backup. Is this right:

    - conduit-fs 20 MB

    - conduit-storage 500 MB

    - resource-cache 3 GB (this are the important files? Like the database folder in Old Evernote?)

    I think I have to download each notebook separately as an ENEX so that I don't lose the structure later.

    What is the easiest way to save the stack name and all its subfolders? This is the only way I can save the entire structure more securely.

    Many thanks in advance

  3. Hi,

    I now have the V10.

    I have shazam links in the text field. The search does not find them.

    Only when I enter www.shazam.com there is a hit.

    Also *shazam* does not work.

    The old Evernote could always find everything without extra variables. What do I have to do?



  4. Quote

    Wanted to respond to this - I use legacy on Windows (and iOS) but the newest Android version with no issues.

    Thank you! I will see..


    Meantime v10's temporary file is a source for offline working.  You could be off grid for a month,  and as long as you work only on one laptop/ desktop,  you'll be able to to anything you need.  Mobile devices don't have a local database by default,  but can download an offline copy of notes / notebooks provided they have the storage caoacity available.

    Thanks for the info, however I don't quite understand.

    If not the whole database is on the computer, how can I work without internet for a month?

    If I want to access notes that I rarely use, then surely Evernote can't have them offline.


    When EN V10 was launched I was not a fan, fast forward two years with the improvents of Home, Calendar , Tasks and Widgets, I no longer have any use for Legacy and my productivety and workflow have improved dramatically.   My Phone is Android and works quite well with only a few irritations.  Looking foward to the upcoming update on Android. 

    I have no doubt that Evernote has focused on maximizing productivity. I believe you that it has gotten much better. Slowly the teething problems should have been eliminated as well.

    But my problem is the dependence on the internet. As long as you have internet, you don't notice the dependency.

    I even wish for the beginnings of Evernote back, where you could only keep Evernote offline. That's how it started, that they already removed this possibility back then.

    Working without cloud is the future of the home user in my opinion. More and more people are trying to archive their data back at home. And Evernote makes us even more dependent.

    Can you actually use Evernote completely offline now, if you then prohibit Internet access after installation, for example, by firewall (Legacy version)? Or is after a few weeks or months a lock, so you have to connect the Internet again briefly? That would not surprise me.

    (I know that you then lose the great advantage of having the data on the phone as well).

    • Like 1
  5. Quote

    Backups are still easy in Legacy,  so that's the main reason I log in there every week.  Locally stored notes and notebooks can be accommodated in other note-taking apps,  so I use another product for this purpose and link back and forth between them.  It's pretty seamless.

    Hi again. And thank you for your answers!

    Backup is an interesting topic. Can you please tell me what your way is?

    My way:

    1. Copy the whole database every week

    2. export via enex all Notes every 3 months


    The online V10 has a temporary database with the main body online while the Legacy app saves a different file (or series of files - depends on the OS) as a complete copy on your local hard drive.

    That is my main problem.

    I feel much better when the entire database is on my computer.
    And does not disappear again uncontrolled at some point. "temporary database"

    If I don't have internet and want to access notes that aren't downloaded, then I can't work. That's how I understood it.

    So you can't work offline for a few days, because then you might not be able to access notes that the program has to download first.

    If what I wrote above is true, then this is really a reason to leave Evernote. The dependency on the internet is getting worse and worse with Evernote.

    Assuming I find an alternative that can take my data, I'll be gone after 10 years of being a customer. But I think there is a competitor that can do that.

    As long as the legacy version works, though, I don't have to worry about it yet.

  6. Hi,

    I tested the V10 a year ago and immediately discarded it. Many basics still did not go. Very much effort to go back to the Legacy.

    E.g. my favorites with the different colors were all gone.

    The biggest problem was that there was no offline database anymore. This is a MUST for me. I need an offline database.

    Before I have another disappointment like this, please tell me if the change is worth it now almost 12 months later. Can you do EVERYTHING you can do with the Legacy version now with the new V10?

    Or does the Legacy still have important advantages? e.g. offline use. I don't need the new functions like tasks and calendar. They are only interesting if the basic functions of Evernote everything also run.

    I still use very successfully the Legacy version on Windows. It is fast and reliable.

    On Android I also use old Evernote version 8.13.3. Also on Android worked then less than with the old version.

    So if you also have something to say about Android version, I am also interested. So advantages and disadvantages. I also don't know if the new Android version is compatible with the old Windows Legacy version.

    But Windows has priority.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi,

    I use Feedly and other sources to collect interesting stuff for later reading.

    I do not use pocket anymore because I want to use so less apps as possible.

    All reading stuff will be stored "automaticaly" in only one notebook. And when I have time to read a while I check this Notebook.

    In Windows it is very inefficient to read many notes.

    Problems / Suggestions

    - We should following the example like pocket. But make it better and faster

    - Evernote should be able to start a reading mode from a Notebook.

    - Title and body should be shown clear

    - Themes: Day / Night

    - very important: Navigation

    a) page up/down should go to exact this place my eyes stopped to read. So I have not to the search / remember the place / the line I stopped to read

    b ) The delete button should delete the note and the next note should come up to be read (you could create a feature to archive the notes. Archive button could remove the note to an extra "archive notebook". That would be great! Two shortcuts delete + archive)

    c) A shortcut should can open the URL of the note. So that the browser can show the original website

    d) Android Version should have that features too


    Is it possible??

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