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Posts posted by BRiddle

  1. I absolutely agree this much "verify your email" notification is highly offensive.   I'm getting it now after literally every change of screen.  (And I do mean EVERY screen change:   Any change to All Notebooks view, to items list in a specific notebook, to a dialog to add a note to a notebook, to exit adding a note to a notebook ... literally freakin' EVERYTHING.   You have more than enough information to bill me $70/year without fail for at least the past 4 years.   I have no interest in also paying to be badgered constantly by a simple notepad - which is all I want from you.

    I've had to revert back versions twice now because you cluttered up your UI to try to be the center of everything I do - sort of like a MS "OneNote" for Android.   And there seems to be no way in the newer releases to turn off all that extra clutter.   So I had to back up to an old .APK.   All I want is the plain, simple, notebook UI you used to be and it's worth that $70 for me to share it among my 4 or 5 devices.   That's worth it IF you'll leave me alone other than billing.

    Please find a way to disable this constant badgering about my email or I'll definitely find an alternative.




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