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Posts posted by Mattofri

  1. Developers - Fix this please!

    Failure to make "all pages" a default option is idiotic.  Contrary to a poster who calls this "a trifle annoying" I find it extremely unproductive.  Maybe that user doesn't scan 10 documents a day using Rocketbook like I do.  Every time time I go to see my notes I see only one of several pages until I go through two clicks to see all my pages which is what I ALWAYS want to see.  Why would I EVER want to see only the first of multiple pages of an uploaded PDF?  I've been with EN for 13 years and am just so frustrated that they would dumb down the program and remove functionality that is a key part of many people's workflow.  Again, there is never a reason to only want to see the first page of a document.  It makes no sense whatsoever. 

  2. On 11/3/2020 at 4:42 PM, NetJon said:

    Hey @Mark A.

    As far as I can tell the "Evernote for Outlook" only adds an extension to the online version of Outlook and not the Windows version of Outlook.

    This doesn't help at all.

    Are you trying to say that there is an app somewhere that I can install on Windows that will add in a clipping thinggy to my Outlook for Windows Desktop that I use?

    If there is not, this is a major incentive to look to someone other than Evernote for a solution for notes, etc.



    Hopefully you worked this out. What the always cryptic Evernote "communication" people didn't explain clearly is that once you add it on the web in your 365 account it does indeed appear on your desktop.  It actually is better than the old clipper widget in that it provides a dropdown for notebook and a place to search tags (why EN doesn't just give us a freaking tag dropdown I'll never know), and a place to add text.  I was angry too until I rebooted outlook and the functionality appeared.

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