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Posts posted by user19860331

  1. I was editing some notes and kept noticing that certain lines of text were being highlighted, the highlights were in random colours like bright pink.

    Also I kept seeing an avatar flashing up at the top... it appeared to be my own avatar. But it kept coming and going.

    I've changed my password and revoked access to all apps.

    It didn't look like there were any unknown devices when I revoked the apps... could it just be a bug or something?

  2. 6 hours ago, gazumped said:

    I wouldn't have thought that the developers would have immediately thought: "duplicate multiple notes - that's what we need to allow..."

    I can genuinely say that in (around) 12 years of using Evernote that's something I have NEVER done.  Is there a specific reason you'd need to do this?

    I've been using Evernote for 11 years, and have always had the ability to do this until recently... It's a big long-winded to explain the reasons for me needing this feature. I just don't get why it's suddenly been removed.

  3. This no longer seems possible? I'm sure I would normally select multiple notes, then right-click and select 'duplicate'.

    I don't see this option anymore... the only way I can duplicate is using the 'three dots' in the top right corner, but then it only lets me duplicate one note at a time?

  4. On 3/17/2021 at 9:33 AM, Mike P said:

    There are now two features: checkboxes and checklists. Checklists are lists like the numbered or bulleted options and they also cross through the text when they are checked.  Checklists should be in the "more" menu. Checkboxes are in the insert menu (blue + at the left of the edit tool bar). You can also insert a checkbox with [] or a checked checkbox with [x].  However be careful. If you add a checkbox at the beginning of a line EN will convert this to a checklist. There has been lots of discussion about this in the forums. If you want a checkbox at the beginning of a line add a character first e.g a period or two spaces (one doesn't seem to work).

    Thanks for letting me know!

    Is there a way to just revert back to how it used to display? e.g. with everything in the toolbar already?

    I don't get this obsession that some app developers have with sacrificing usability just for the sake of a minimal layout

  5. I've installed Evernote on my Mac at work, and can't find how to add checkboxes like I do on my Mac at home

    You'd think it would just be a case of clicking the 'More' button, but that doesn't work either. ,Does anyone know how I can get to them?

    Honestly this has gotta be one of the least intuitive apps I've ever used... I often run into problems like this and find myself having to tweet Evernote to find out how to complete the most basic of tasks

    Screenshot 2021-03-15 at 09.59.46.png

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