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Posts posted by CapTek007

  1. I often Evernote to document routines, with cascading sub-bullets of cascading sub-tasks, but this get extremely long and bewildering really fast. So, I either endure the  bewildering “long-ness” or I siphon off cascading sub tasks into separate notes and then only use the hyperlink to the siphoned off notes into the original notes.

    See EXAMPLE below (and image scenarios with deeper recursive nesting).  Sometimes to avoid the example below I end up using other tools like Quire (which have collapsible nested lists). But I don’t want to use another tool because I literally have all my life in Evernote (user since 2009; so user for 13 yrs as of when I’m typing this). PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE. Collapsible Nest List.  I can code  and willing to donate hours if necessary to help get this done. 



    Original Note:

    1. Routine Step 1

        1. Sub step task 1 

        2.  Sub step task 2

              1. Sub sub step task 2.1 

               2. Sub sub step task 2.2 



    Updated Note:

    1. Routine Step 1

        1. <hyperlink to [Siphoned-Off Note]


    Siphoned-Off Note:

        1. Sub step task 1 

        2.  Sub step task 2

              1. Sub sub step task 2.1 

               2. Sub sub step task 2.2 


    Image example above and imagine a routine with 20 steps and some sub steps with 10 tasks and some of these tasks having their own sub steps going 5 levels deep; and imagine having to recursively be siphoning off notes and hyperlinking to them, with in turn also having hyperlinks. When reading these routine and have to drill down on hyperlink after hyperlink then one forgets the context of the routine.

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  2. This is now the 5th time in the last couple of months.....I LOST A NOTE ENTRY. After about 30 minutes on entering notes via my iPhone earlier this morning and switching to a new app, then coming back to Evernote, then ALL my notes are gone! Extremely horrible! And this is a repeat issue. I've always depended on Evernote, for over a decade, to be reliable, but now I'm literal nervous about taking notes because of how UNRELIABLE Evernote is now. 

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