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Posts posted by jsfchiu68

  1. 8 hours ago, Mike P said:

    I don't use the legacy version that much because I find I can do most of what I need in the new version and am keen to contribute through the forums to what I still  consider to be an "extended beta". You can run both systems concurrently but you must be very careful about syncing issues. Make sure you manually sync the legacy version when you come back to it and when you leave it. There is no way of knowing whether V10 is up to date with it's syncing. It should do it automatically but sometimes it doesn't. The nightmare scenario is obviously that you end up with multiple versions of the same note.

    Clipper will be fine because it clips directly to your online database and then syncs from there to the desktop clients

    I think in your situation I would initially concentrate on legacy and the web client. Remember that when you use the web client you are seeing what is in your online database without any complications caused by syncing issues.The web version is essentially the same as the V10 desktop client but missing a few features. You need to gain some confidence that the numbers being reported by the two systems are the same, you are finding the same notes and all your attachments are ok. You should be able to view pdf attachments inline and image attachments should be fine. Other attachments should download when you double click them (which is one of the differences between web and desktop). Only when you are confident that what you are seeing in legacy is the same as what you are seeing on the web would I progress to V10 desktop.

    When/if you do progress to the V10 desktop remember that it takes a long time for everything to sync and get up to date. Expect it not to fully reflect reality (reality = web version) for some time. Days if you have thousands of notes. I know this is rubbish but in my experience once it does all sync properly it then works fine and keeps up with changes reasonably quickly.

    OhMyGoodness, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the generosity of your time and guiding suggestions!!!  I SOooooo appreciate the info to help mitigate my baffling frustration with the things I see and don’t see in the different versions and the frustrations I’ve had with syncing!!!  It used to be so easy and obvious to do manual sync.  Now it seems to have turned into a scavenger hunt to find where and how to do it, depending on what I’m using to access/create/edit notes.

    I will take in what you’ve shared as I proceed with an amount of caution and deliberation to see how to keep versions synced.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, again, for the kindness and generosity of your contribution to this forum!!!


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  2. 9 hours ago, Mike P said:

    You can download the legacy version.




    Thank you **SO, SOooo MUCH** for this work-around so that I can at least SEE the previous content!!  I have not yet tried to create new content with legacy installed. 

    Are there any glitches or tradeoffs i should be aware of when it comes to which version I should use to create new notes?? 

    (Is it ok to have both apps running concurrently??)  Any ramifications to pay attention to with the use of Clipper...??

    I don't really understand why use of the legacy system is necessary as a non-techie so, it would just be helpful for me to understand whatever I can to avoid (or prepare myself for) unanticipated global feature failure....

  3. 22 minutes ago, Mike P said:

    That is a 94 Byte pdf file which certainly says there is a major problem. Can you download it? Is it an existing file that views correctly in legacy?

    I can tell you that it doesn't matter WHAT size the PDF, JPG, PNG or m4a.  **NONE** of my YEARS' worth of attachments -- which were accessible to me before installing the latest version of Evernote -- are able to be displayed now.  I can see the content still exists because it shows up in my browser access (even though the Note counts/content in the browser do NOT match up with nor, display what my Notebooks actually contain) and, my iPhone will display attachments but, I can't see any of that content on my desktop version (MacOS Catalina 10.15.6).  Which I think is beyond ridiculous.

    I'm not tech-savvy enough to know or execute a work-around, IF an older version of either/both my OS or, Evernote would resolve this issue.  I also don't think I should have to experience loss of access to note content, simply by reinstalling Evernote and getting the latest version!

    Is there a the pathway for a NON-tech geek like me to be able to use the desktop version again to view and share the content I created??

  4. I am having the same issue.  Have sent feedback and, still have no idea how to regain access to my Note contents, if I’m to even continue using the desktop app...!  SOooooo many MAJOR problems with basic functionality!

    Has ANYONE found a work-around???

    I’m having to seriously consider another platform.  Joplin is something I’m contemplating.... Anyone have experience with that...?

  5. I was getting repeated popup error message from Evernote which gave me only (2) options to either Quit or Restart because of some problem on Evernote's side (per the popup notification).  NEITHER button worked so, I had to Force Quit the app on my laptop (macOS Catalina 10.15.6).  Logging out and back into Evernote did nothing to resolve the repeated issue of no longer being able to use Evernote without the same popup error message (with non-functional options) coming back.

    I finally de-installed the app and went to the App Store to reinstall Evernote.  I now have Evernote version 10.8.6 -- and, now, **NONE** of my PDFs, images or Clipper content display!!!!  Same messages as what's been posted... which renders the app not only USELESS to me but, also CRIPPLING to my productivity on both personal and business fronts!!

    I am NOT a tech person so I need help QUICKLY to restore CONTENT FUNCTIONALITY.  This shocking ridiculousness is enough to make me want to cancel my Evernote subscription.  I cannot conceive of PAYING for "Premium" just to get a chance at help desk support for a product which seems to have been steadily losing all sorts of previous functionality over the past year!!

    Can anyone offer suggestions for how a non-techie might be able to regain access to content (which IS accessible on my iPhone but, NOT on my laptop)...?!

    Many thanks in advance!!

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