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Posts posted by jnbearden

  1. Same. Latest version buggy. Glaring gaps in data in one of my critical files (they appear and disappear at random on both Windows and Android versions). I'm a freeware user so I guess I shouldn't complain but that coupled with inability to get past the "sign up now for the paid version!" screen on my Android mobile has me backing up my notes on my laptop (copy/paste; right click doesn't work as detailed) and looking for another product. I'm in the software biz so I understand very well why you want to encourage users to pay up for the premium version but if your frequent (incessant) incentives ("last time you'll ever see 40% off--until next week) don't work with us, I suspect corrupting our files or making them inaccessible unless we pay isn't a viable long-term strategy.

    Oh, and add my usual criticism regarding 20-something design geniuses that the new improved Evernote is less compact and more difficult to read and use than the versions I've been using for 7 years. I originally downloaded it because I wanted a dirt simple note app. I already have plenty of word processing, calendar, scheduling, group work, snipping, and other apps; I don't need another industrial-strength one--especially one with a proprietary file format and questions about reliability. Back in my youth, the Detroit car companies thought the way to compete was to offer American consumers big gas guzzlers that were long, lower, wider, and festooned with more gadgets every year. We all know how that worked out. Good luck in your new direction. 

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