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Posts posted by gsmith58v3

  1. Thank you. I tried that a while back, and it didn't work; I never tried it again. It does work. It's surprising how changes that appear minor end up as pains.

    12 minutes ago, Mike P said:

    The copy tags workaround still works but there is no longer any visual confirmation that you have selected the tags. If you click the frst tag, shift click the last tag and then press crtrl+C the tag names are copied to the clipboard.  Sometimes I have to do it more than once - possibly because, in the absence of a visual selection, Ive mis-clicked or something.


  2. I just came across this thread while searching for solutions "again". I believe you provided me with the copy tags workaround. That was nice until an update killed it. ;)Any other ideas? What a pain.


    On 4/11/2024 at 11:34 AM, Mike P said:

    I agree this functionaility was useful. 

    The edit tags dialogue box still uses the dash and tick convention if you have multiple notes slected. The problem is that these are hidden in the tag hierarchy, there is no way of opening up the entire hierarchy and, as you've pointed out there is no "Hide unassigned tags".


    You can copy all the tags from one note to another but not to multiple notes. 

    • Click the first tag in the list of tags at the bottom of the note (In the new V10 UI there is nothing that shows the tag has been selected)
    • shift-click the last tag
    • ctrl+C to copy all the tags - there is now a comma separated list of tags on your clipboard
    • Go to the new note, click in the tag area and paste in the tags (ctrl+V)


  3. I'm familiar. I get the focus on modernizing and stabilizing the framework. No disagreement there. And, I'm not advocating for a feature factory but AI is not high on 'my' small list of features.

    I understand that implementing AI in various forms is necessity to be competitive, but I'm hoping that the resources devoted to it don't detract from other worthwhile endeavors (preferably the ones on my personal Evernote Roadmap, e.g. hide unassigned tags) ;)  I could live for a whole year without a new feature if "hiding unassigned tags" returned (I know...don't hold your breath). 

    As far as I can tell from my limited testing of AI search...it has a long way to go. I keep trying, and it keeps disappointing. It seems to have specific questions that work well, and if the question diverges too far, it fails. I'm sure they'll get there.


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  4. On 12/21/2023 at 10:15 AM, dvollc said:

    While I appreciate the frequent bug fix updates, I would like to see an EN v11.  Wouldn’t you?

    Also, for how I use EN (my second brain and GTD), I don’t place a high value on AI with EN.  Sure, there is a cool factor but as far as what I would like in EN in terms of new feature/functions…AI is not tops on my list.


    I know that it's the 'thing' today, but I really hope that it isn't 'THE THING.' I'm not going anywhere but a new or returned feature would be nice every once in a while ;)  Say, improved tag management or another mundane function that existed in Legacy. Just a couple here and there...

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  5. This morning I ran across one exact string that wouldn't return results until I truncated it to 12 characters. This didn't return anything: UI_RE_GEN_STU_FULL_TERM_FREEZE. There are several notes with this string. This truncated piece UI_RE_GEN_STU returned the notes.

    I thought it might be the underscores, but this similar UI_RE_GEN_STUDENT_FREEZE string returns notes just fine.

    Gremlins. This isn't a big deal when you know the term is there, but if you're searching for something less obvious, it doesn't instill confidence.

    Perhaps I'm missing something.


    On 6/24/2023 at 4:08 AM, gazumped said:

    Considering that this issue seems only to have affected you,  I don't think either applies;  and I'm pretty sure that Evernote is not working on any fixes unless they have more Support requests we don't know about.  We're mainly other users here - I'd suggest you contact Evernote to get some direct feedback.

    It's not just affecting one person. It's happened to me a few times now, including with the newest version. I've also seen numerous threads referring to content loss.

    There is no doubt they're working on it, but it's disconcerting. To this point, as far as I know, I haven't lost much other than time, but this isn't a missing Legacy feature or an annoyance. Note integrity is critical. If it happens just enough times to feel like you can't trust the software...well...

    I know you have been using EN for a long time and so have I; do you ever recall losing content? Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, but I don't ever recall it.


  7. 6 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Absolutely agree! Two-thirds of the complaints about Evernote would disappear if they hadn't made it so darn versatile!😄

    And it's long-time success... This is 14 years or longer of continuous daily use for me. I can't think of many (any) applications I have used longer: perhaps Excel and Word. Even at that, Excel is the only one close in frequency. Use anything daily for 14 years, and you're bound to develop some deeply engrained habits ;) 

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  8. 20 hours ago, gazumped said:

    ...Er,  I don't necessarily agree;  it depends obviously what you're tagging and why you're going to be searching in the future,  but as a long term user I mainly depend on Evernote's advanced search options to find stuff.  Any technical post on any topic is going to be riddled with specialist (and easily findable) terms about that topic.

    But everyone can use whatever works for them.

    I certainly understand your perspective and don't disagree. I use identifiers in most of my notes, in fact, I used the exact format you do for individual identifiers. I write queries for a living, so I get search.

    And if I want to surface one or two notes, that works. However, most often, when I search, I don't want to find one specific note, I want to find groups of notes related to various individual topics. And, the way "my mind" works (or doesn't),  that topic name might not be immediately clear. 

    I would admit there are likely thousands of better methods developed by smarter people than me, but mine works, and it 'seems' fairly efficient to me, so...you know ;)

    Isn't this the paradox of Evernote, it allows users all sorts of flexibility to develop different workflows, but when a long-used feature disappears, it can cause momentary (or clearly longer) chaos for individuals.


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  9. On 5/20/2023 at 12:40 PM, gazumped said:

    I'm firmly of the belief that the only thing which drives a nail is hitting it in the head with something heavy.  If you need to spend much time organising when and how you do the hitting,  rather than just swinging a hammer,  you're not fixing as many nails as you could with more hitting,  less organising.  

    Having said which I know nothing about your individual situation or system abd everyone works differently.  Just sayin'... :)

    I don't 'change' tags all that frequently, but I do add a number to each note and often in series. My thought process is always, 'How will the future me search and find this?' That definitely takes thought and time upfront. 

    I imagine most long-time users that have used various features in Evernote for years have developed very individualized and idiosyncratic practices that are now baked in both in to mind and in structure.


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  10. On 5/7/2023 at 2:13 PM, MvdH said:

    I agree 100% that adding/removing tasks is a much slower process right now for my use cases. I have ~15000 notes and around ~1500 tags. subscriptions. I have an average of 5 tags per note I guess. I used to bulk-organize tags like a ninja, only using keyboard, using the F3 tag dialogue is much slower in refreshes and checking/unchecking tags (now by mouse mostly), missing "Hide unused tags" when you have multiple notes selected, need the mouse a lot and before not at all.

    I am right there with you. I'm closing in on 19K in notes and probably a like or larger number of tags. I have probably spent more time in Evernote than any other program I use, except possibly Chrome.

    This is one of two issues that keeps me on Legacy. I use tags extensively, and the process is much slower to the point of being painful. I'm used to adding multiple related notes in batch, tagging one, and using it with "Hide Unassigned Tags." 

    Maybe I'm missing something (always a possibility), but I can't even select multiple notes and assign tags in batch. It's basically, one note at a time. The dialog is useless for checking off tags if you have more than a few. All of my tags are nested in folders.

    Fix that, and add the ability to set a global font, and I'm all in for v10. It'd be swell if they've moved search and tags back to their previous locations, but that'd just be icing.


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  11. I have both v10 and Legacy installed. I don't need much to complete the move and would do so if forced, but why would I? I don't find the new features as valuable as my favorite example in Legacy, "Hide Unassigned Tags," which I use daily. 

    I understand I'm on borrowed time; I understand why v10 was inevitable; I understand the nudges; I get it.

    And, I fire up v10 every so often and check whether they've added any new and absolutely extraordinary features or better "Hide Unassigned Tags," and such.


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  12. 4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    My approach is completely different. I take v10 as it is, and discover features, options and nice details. In general is already serves me better than legacy ever did. I think from a certain point the view over the shoulder is cloaking up the way to new opportunities.

    I have them both setup and working together fine. I've given v10 several tries, but there are a few things I find annoying. I don't doubt they are just my idiosyncrasies. Could I switch over, sure, when a couple of older features are added (good luck...I know), or they turn off the switch on legacy. I don't find the new version bad; it's just that the new features/structure don't offset the annoyances (to me...and maybe only me).

    I'm not going anywhere, I've been using EN since 2009 and don't see that changing. Old, new, it's still a great program. I use it for storing bits and pieces and scripts and such, but Obsidian for thoughts and research. 

    Perhaps that is why the new features in v10 just aren't as important as, say, being able to tag multiple notes based on one. Legacy can do that (Hide Unassigned Tags), v10 can't, and I use that feature multiple times, single every day. Trying to do the same thing in v10 is time-consuming. If you have a workaround for that, maybe I'll fully convert ;) 



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