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Posts posted by 3rdDegree

  1. I stop code snippets in Evernote as references and I have found that when I try to copy and paste these code snippets out to use them since the 10.6.9 update, they are filled with hidden "special characters" that  cause my compilers to fail. 

    For instance, this note with some code in it looks fairly normal:


    But it is in fact full of hidden special characters that look like this when I paste it into a normal text editor:


    So all the code I have saved in Evernote notes has been destroyed by this and using "Remove Formatting" or "Simple Formatting" doesn't help. I've even tried searching and replacing all those odd characters with spaces in a text editor and then pasting back into Evernote; but it still reinserts the special characters every time. 

    I even tried inserting the cleaned up code (special characters removed) as a Code Block, but Evernote keeps adding back in the special/control characters! 

    Is this something that has been newly introduced and is there a way I can somehow save my notes so that it doesn't store these odd characters in them!





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