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Posts posted by surfshark

  1. This reminds me of a problem I encountered before
    I have many notes that contain encrypted text. When I delete the notes, because I did not decrypt the encrypted text, my subsequent searches will still show the deleted notes.
    The official can never fix it
    My solution is to directly create a new evernote to use 😅

  2. I also encountered this problem on the web version today, but it was more serious.
    Periodic tasks disappear directly in notes
    Can't search on the task page either
    The strange thing is that the computer version works fine
    This error is very exaggerated
    Will cause users to miss important tasks
    Fortunately, my task will be copied to Google Tasks


    螢幕擷取畫面 2024-05-04 155228.png

  3. 53 分鐘前, Dave-in-Decatur說:

    當我使用 Ctrl+V 而不是 Ctrl+Shift+V 貼上 URL 時,會得到不同的結果:


    當我使用該對話方塊時,如您所示,我總是得到純 URL,而不是頁面標題。

    Well, it looks like this is how URLs are displayed currently
    But I remember that I could display the page title before

    • Like 1
  4. 56 分鐘前, gazumped說:

    AFAIK 這取決於您從哪裡取得 URL 以及它的格式是否完整。在筆記中輸入「evernote.com」即可取得自動格式化的https://evernote.com工作連結  (我使用的是 Win11 桌面版,Evernote 10.83.5)。  



    What I am referring to is the function that automatically converts the article title in the URL into a hyperlink after pasting it.

    I remember there used to be


    螢幕擷取畫面 2024-04-06 165802.png

  5. I remember that when I pasted a URL into my notes, the title of the URL would appear.
    Why not now 😥

    This is a great feature because it automatically converts the URL without having to manually modify it, allowing you to see the URL title at a glance

  6. 8 小時前, PinkElephant說:



    I think so
    However, I registered a new Evernote account using a new email address, and then changed the settings back to the old email address, so there should be no confusion.
    Because the old evernote account has been deleted
    (I created a new evernote account because the notes containing encrypted text in my old account were deleted but they were still searchable)

  7. 在 2024/2/13 在 PM10點22分, ferol說:

    I'm comparing the capabilities of Evernote and Notion. Based on preliminary testing, I don't think Notion can completely replace Evernote in my usage pattern. But the Notion system is interesting, and for certain activities I am considering moving some of my work from Evernote to Notion and using them in parallel. It looks like the two systems can complement each other nicely.

    I'm posting my comparison table here, where I keep a running tally of what I've figured out through testing:


    I'm not starting this thread for the reason that I want to walk away from Evernote. Evernote is a top tool for me. So let's have a reasonable discussion about how and why to use which tool. Post constructive ideas and tips on what Notion is better at and what Evernote is better at.

    If you have any comparisons of your own, let me know, I'll include them in the shared spreadsheet 😉



    I accidentally added your note to my evernote
    I can't delete him or exit sharing
    Can you kick me out?

  8. 12 小時前, PinkElephant說:

    As said the Forum is driven by an independent provider contracted by EN to run this place. They have their own support and forum:


    EN support is here, but expect quite a long reaction time.


    Thank you, I will send an email to contact customer service and wait for them to handle it.

  9. 29 分鐘前, PinkElephant說:





    Thank you for your reply. I also tried the method you provided but still got an error.
    I want to ask if everyone subscribes to the information page like me.
    I would feel more at ease if everyone was the same

    In addition, I used to have another Evernote account, and the forum account where I post now was created using my old Evernote account. I then changed the email address of the new Evernote account to the email address of the old account, but this also prevented me from changing the forum account. Delete, it will show no permission

  10. Android 上的體驗非常糟糕
    我無法從 Android 登錄,因為我已經取消了訂閱


  11. 20 小時前, gazumped說:

    Totally disagree with you - Evernote is faster and more reliable than ever.  Try it out for free (still) and subscribe if you find it worthwhile.





    安卓返回手勢失效 (facebook之前也是,但他承認問題並修復,我不明白為什麼這麼重要的功能公司怎麼會讓他壞這麼久)


    圖片偶發損壞導致程式閃退 (如同版主影片中那樣)

    2023-12-14 23-51-43.mkv

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