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Posts posted by OviOne

  1. DTLow, How about stop beating around the bush for a change. There is no such feature, you could say, and that's it. Why in the world would you even care , and I quote:

    On 2/25/2019 at 4:52 PM, DTLow said:

    why you need Word format "in the end"

    It's ridiculous, and the answer should actually come BEFORE the question: The guy NEEDS it! It is his business, not yours.

    Now, FilipS, in terms of whether it is possible, unfortunately, being a few years a user of EverNotes my self, I can say that I couldn't find the feature. 

    Pretty jealous, these giant software producers, aren't they. You start feeling much like in religion: You either believe in my god, or I don't wanna hear from you.
    Here's my approach: Instead of paying £26.99 a year for EverNote, I'm no paying 59.99 per year for Office. A whole lot better, seamless and no pretentions, offers colossal features and I have no hustle when it comes to export. First, there's no need for any other export than pdf. Second, I have 8 types of word extensions, and o lot of others, including .odf, and .html and .rtf, which are, the three of them, rich and can be read by free software. I know we are talking of more than double the price, but trust me, it IS worth it.

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