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Posts posted by curry.jm

  1. Please forgive me if these questions has been answered - searched through this topic and could not find an answer!

    For many reasons, I am jumping ship on Evernote after using it for years. My question is what happens to my existing notes, literally thousands of them, once I pull the plug? 

    • Will Evernote delete all notes except for fifty within one folder, or block me from entering new notes? The latter sounds fair, deleting notes of legacy users seems crazy and immoral, like a form of blackmail to hold on to paying subscribers
    • If the plan is to stop legacy users from accessing old notes is there a way to export them to a file? Or will it be possible to disconnect syncing and keep the archived database on your computer(s)
    • Anything else I can use? 

    I am sad to leave, as no alternate program works as well for me. However, the following issues are causing me to leave after being a loyal customer - 

    • Inability to toggle autocorrect on and off. I have depended on autocorrect and have continued to use the legacy version, which is no longer possible
    • Rising cost for subscribing. This wouldn't bother me as much if the program hadn't lost some functions that are vital for me
    • Evernotes' lack of response to users who have asked about loss of functions such as autocorrect. I still don't understand why it was discontinued from program when this function is embedded in the Mac OS
    • Fears that Evernote will fail as a company, as some have claimed. 
  2. Oy, Pink Elephant, people are just expressing their frustrations. I, too, have depended on the autocorrect. The removal of this function is glaring. MS Word and GoogleDocs both offer it. I understand why it would drive some people crazy, but Evernote should continue to offer it with a straightforward way to toggle it off and on, depending on users' needs. And those of us who used the program to make rapid notes - like I do when I conduct teacher observations - really do need it. Otherwise, we need to go back to the document and meticulously correct each word w/the red squiggly line. It makes the program close to useless for those of us with this need. It should not be that difficult for the company to bring back functionality that is the norm elsewhere - and which is built into the Mac OS .

    I think what triggered some forum members here is intimating it's a "blessing" in general when that is not the case for all. I think that's what seemed sarcastic. Just saying. 

    Anyway, here is my question - I keep getting the notice re a revised version of Legacy Evernote. I don't want to install the update until I'm sure it hasn't dropped autocorrect and put me back to square one...

    Just to add, Evernote's reputation has been deteriorating because of its lack of response to users' needs. I have been a paid "premium" user for years but would jump ship if there were a suitable alternative that would allow me to migrate years of notes. I know that the company has been bought out. I hope that this brings an improvement. 

    I've written directly to Evernote support, BTW, but have not received any answers to my questions. 

  3. Same question. I'm using Legacy in the meantime. I very much depend on the autocorrect when I use Evernote and it's close to useless to me without it. I know that some people find it annoying, but it must be an option for those of us who depend on it (and who pay for the program). Please respond!

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