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Posts posted by gphelps73

  1. MS has never been known for good UI design.

    I think a simple line spacing option is not asking for 20 features. Sure "just one more" can lead to 20 features if done 20 times and thus how feature creep usually happens and why it earns the term "creep." I don't think the solution is to refuse to add new features. Then you end up with an application that is too limiting.

    The key is giving people the ability to customize their UI. I can do this in most Adobe apps, in Maya, and various other apps. I can customize Photoshop to have only the tools I need for photo editing, yet switch to a layout that has all the typography tools I need if doing a graphic design project that calls for a lot of type. If I had every palette open, it would be a mess. So, Adobe gives me the ability to show and hide what I want.

    So, your concern is valid. I just want options that can be toggled so that we all get what we want and hide the rest.

  2. Not needed according to you. However, "I don't want or care about" doesn't equate to not needed. I can understand a concern that this could lead to feature creep maybe, but by itself it would be a great addition.  Many features are better to have and those that don't want don't use than it is to just not have a feature and act like those who want it are foolish.

  3. Seriously Pink Elephant, I think line spacing/leading control isn't too much to ask. I'd like to tighten up the spacing on my document to so as not to have to print a final page with 2 lines of text on it. I'm not asking for a level of control on par with the likes of Adobe InDesign, but a few choices would be nice.  Saying "go to a word processor" isn't a solution. The "I don't see a need for it and thus there isn't a need" is not a logical argument. 

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