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Posts posted by Elmosb2

  1. I use Evernote since 2007. I even bought the software when it was avalible, before it became only subscription. I've been one of the most leal fan of Evernote ever. But after upgrade 10.4.4 and the lost of my Local Notebook wich held 9000+ notes. I decided to leave Evernote forever. I will never use a cloud base company that controls my data. I thought EverNote would be different that the others, but i was wrong. They are just like everyone else. They want to dominate the world by dominating the data regardless of customer respect. Thanks to show me how to retreive my local folder using Evernote Legacy. I will export all my data and leave Evernote.

  2. On 11/21/2020 at 8:22 AM, zonderkoolzuur said:

    Local notebooks have been removed.

    This is a ridiculous and infuriating decision that has caused me to move away from Evernote.

    You might want to look at using Joplin, which was designed as an open-source Evernote alternative. I strongly recommend using Open Source software, as this avoids exactly what Evernote has just done: holding your personal data hostage in a proprietary format and forcing you to pay in order to use it again.


    To get your local Evernote data back, download the Legacy version from here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote . Then select all notes, export them, and import them into Joplin.


    I use Evernote since 2007. I even bought the software when it was avalible, before it became only subscription. I've been one of the most leal fan of Evernote ever. But after upgrade 10.4.4 and the lost of my Local Notebook wich held 9000+ notes. I decided to leave Evernote forever. I will never use a cloud base company that controls my data. I thought EverNote would be different that the others, but i was wrong. They are just like everyone else. They want to dominate the world by dominating the data regardless of customer respect. Thanks to show me how to retreive my local folder using Evernote Legacy. I will export all my data and leave Evernote. 


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