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Shan Lang

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  1. Thank you very much for your help! Installed the legacy version yesterday and everything I missed magically reappeared! :) Will backup immediatelly! Thanks again!
  2. I guess they were, same as the other ones. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any backup I have made consciously. Also the weird thing is, the other notes, who appear in different notebooks are still here and accessible... Should I instal the legacy version nevertheless? Also, thx for the help!
  3. Hello, I have installed the latest update after having been prompted to do so by the desktop application of evernote. Until this version there has been no problem with the transfer of all my notes, recent changes included. After the latest update however, half of my notes are gone. I have already checked evernote web and try to salvage some but no luck with that, the notes are missing there as well. Anybody got an idea how to get my missing notes back? Would an older version of evernote help? Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance! Cheers
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