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Posts posted by PMHK

  1. I recently upgraded to Evernote 10 for Mac and noticed today that the Menu Bar Helper has changed quite significantly and also has a possible bug:

    I used to frequently use the helper to temporarily store screen grabs or portions of the screen or windows for use in e-mails etc. without actually converting them to notes almost like a clipboard.  The new version creates the notes automatically meaning I will need to go to Evernote to drag them back to e-mails.  This also means that each grab is converted to a single note where I would often make a note with multiple grabs.  Would it be possible to have the choice as to wether the screen grab is kept available in the helper or automatically turned into a note?

    I take screen grabs quite often when running apps under Parallels, doing this today I clicked on the Capture Selection button and the menu remains visible on the screen rather than hiding.  This means I cannot grab the portion of the screen under the visible menu?

    I hope this makes sense, if any further information is required then please do let me know?

    Many thanks and kind regards,


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