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Posts posted by rminkus

  1. As a very long time user is seems that Evernote just does what they think is an improvement without having a clue how uses actually work with Evernote.

    They have made adding tags and selecting the notebook you want a exercise in have to move your mouse allover the screen. Before they were all together a quick and easy to use.

    I went back to what they are calling Legacy version 6.25...

    Hope they fix this before my renewal because I don't they will continue to get my business.


  2. The latest update to 10 is awful. The format is almost unusable. Adding tags and filing in the notebook of my choice is awkward. My workflow has been slowed to a point of ultimate frustration. Add dropping support for Outlook is a no-go for me.

    I went back to the legacy 6.25 for now so I can keep being productive. But I strongly suggest you rethink your decision.

    From a very long time customer.



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