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Posts posted by clouds_abound

  1. Adding my critique of the new (desktop) version of Evernote:

    1. The new version doesn’t allow you to play in-note audio files, which you could do before. Now you have to either download the audio file or open it in iTunes (on a Mac)—why did they take this feature away?? It was so nice being able to open those audio files within the app.
    2. The search bar is now on the left side, whereas it used to be right above the notes—which was a much more convenient location.
    3. Most of the useful buttons (e.g. bullets, alignment) are no longer directly accessible in the toolbar and have to be found somewhere under the “more” drop-down menu. I don't mind if the toolbar is two rows instead of one—I would much rather have that than the "more" drop-down menu.
    4. I loved having Helvetica Neue as the default. It was nice having infinite other font options, too.The handful of new “normal text” etc. fonts can stay—just don’t take away the other fonts, which people liked in the first place.
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