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Posts posted by arguvant

  1. 6 hours ago, WilliamL said:

    What’s the issue? Seriously - that is your problem with that? Does it cause issues for anyone? Start wars? Nope! I think with all that’s going on in this trashy world we seem committed to entirely ruining in every conceivable way - someone spending time on a forum is the least of the issue. Seriously, go switch new news in and see somethings that actually deserve criticism and your snark. 

    Because obsession and uncritical support of anything, whether it's religion, country, idealism, or an app succumbing to enshittification, is why the world is in such bad shape.

  2. User since 2009, and paid user probably since 2010. Told hundreds of people about Evernote over the years. At least dozens of past paid subscribers are due to my word of mouth promotion.

    But now. I'm sick of V10. Sick of AI nonsense. Sick of slowness.

    I wasted 3(?) years hoping V10 would improve, and while it's gotten slightly less bad, Evernote is still annoying on a daily basis. I avoid using it on Android because it's so slow, whereas I used to use the pre-v10 app all the time while I was on the go. I didn't bother sticking to legacy, because I knew they would eventually break it, which seems to be the case now.

    I still miss the pre-v10 days. Legacy wasn't always perfect but it was no nonsense. I felt empowered and enjoyed curating my notes. V10 makes me feel like a child being coddled and broke my note-taking habit.

    Last draw was the email this morning saying the Linux client is going away. So now I'm exporting my 15k notes and loading them into one of the alternatives.

    Generally I don't announce my departure from a subscription service, but this is the longest on-going subscription I've had with any company/product in my life. I've even had it longer than I've been with my lovely wife! So felt like I should at least explain why I'm moving on.

    Hopefully Evernote/Bending spoons one day figure out what their product vision is.

    • Thanks 2
  3. On 9/26/2023 at 8:58 PM, agsteele said:

    But that doesn't mean that they will support every platform. It seems that the development effort needed to pursue Linux for a limited return on investment wasn't something the Evernote owners were willing to make.

    At least a clear statement of intent had been given and users know where they stand.

    They already had a functional app. Once it exists it requires very little additional effort to maintain unless the developers are incompetent. I say this as someone who has maintained cross platform applications.

  4. On 9/7/2023 at 3:19 AM, Federico Simionato said:

    Hello folks!

    Quick update to let you know that we are focusing on improving the experience on Evernote Web, and therefore we will not be actively maintaining the Linux client anymore. For the time being it will keep working for those who have it installed, but prepare for it to stop working in the future.

    Well, I'm outta here after being with Evernote since 2009. This is just the final straw after a litany of Evernote issues making my life worse:

    - V10 nightmare
    - Android app too slow to use
    - Bending Spoons acquisitions and layoffs
    - AI nonsense being inserted instead of focusing on core stability, speed and basic features
    - Pointless new sync system that makes it take forever to open any of my older notes.
    - Massive price increases

    And now, linux is dead. I use all of MacOS/Windows/Linux. Having the Evernote app available to me on all my devices is a fundamental selling point.

    I'm so over this relationship where Evernote's curators don't understand their users.

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  5. Can someone explain to me why the note conversion process has been put in the UI loop? I don't care if my note is being converted, I want immediate read-only access to my notes.

    Here are better approaches for this:

    - Open in read only mode and then do the conversion only if I try to edit it.

    - Convert people's notes in the background, not as a response to them trying to use the app.


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  6. On 3/1/2021 at 10:09 AM, gazumped said:

    Hi.  These sites have older Evernote APKs (installation files).  They're not 'official' download sites,  and there are reasons why Google strongly suggest it's a BAD idea to download installation files from site that are not  its own Play Store where certain basic standards are required.  If you know what to do,  and are willing to do it,  you're looking for Evernote 8.13 as the last public release before v10.

    Do you reckon Evernote could host a 8.13 apk so I at least can have some faith that is hasn't been tampered with by a third party?

    10 just completely doesn't work for me. And without a number of months dev effort I don't see how it could compare in speed or functionality.

  7. Lots of 1 star ratings because of how terrible the new android app is. And yeah, clipping content on my phone is a major part of it, and doesn't work consistently anymore.

    I keep intuitively trying to use evernote the way it used to be.... but then I remind myself, that it either doesn't exist now, or is broken. Evernote completely fails to fulfill any of my use-cases anymore.

    After a decade of paying of evernote I'm going to be looking for alternatives.

    There have been many bad evernote updates over the years, but none as bad as this one.

  8. My concerns: I fear a lowest common denominator effect across editors. I use osx, android, windows, and web. They all do different things well, but the web is the worst to work with (I only use it in linux because no linux client). Even the new preview which I was added to. So it concerns me that the web version is being used as the basis for a common editor. I know slack and atom and offline web apps built with Electron are hip, but if that's the direction of evernote on the desktop... urgh. Slack has to do far less and is a slow memory-hog.

    Tags are important to me, and so is seeing the url from where the note content came from. This url, last I checked, was hidden in note details and wasn't even clickable :-(

    Since the webclipper doesn't always work, I often want to be able to view the original content/context of where the note came from. It also can remind me why I clipped it, or if there was further context I wanted to add.

    i never use the share button or care who can see the note, because I'm predominantly using evernote as my private digital memory.


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  9. Hi all,

    I've completely lost faith in evernote's release process. The current version as of this message I can make reliably freeze just by pasting an image and then changing notes.

    I've gone back to using 6.9.7 6770 - it seems tolerable, but cutting images just deletes them and doesn't place anything in the clipboard. Yay data loss! Still, notes will still load quickly and it doesn't freeze or crash like later versions.

    This (along with the recent Chrome clipper nightmare) means I'm basically over it. I don't care about rewrites, UX "improvements" (which inevitably make things harder to use), or the supposed bug fixes. In your experience what was the last version you could rely on? The one you could use without contacting support, dealing with crashes or weird behaviour, and you had no reason to hang around on evernote forums because it just f**king worked.

    I've been using evernote as a paid user for 7-8 years. I have also encouraged friends and family to use it.

    Now I use it grudgingly because all my information is in it and I haven't seen anything comparable to switch to, but I'm tired of spending sunny weekends inside dealing with broken software. So much for making my life better and making me more productive...

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