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Posts posted by Valiant

  1. I've been using Evernote Premium for a decade or more, just created the account here to express my sadness and frustration for this "New" Evernote 10.

    I'm a program manager and I'm used to product and services launches on a large scale, and I truly can't imagine how the Evernote team could even think of releasing such a disaster for their customers.

    I realized in less than 2 minutes that the most relevant features for me were lost (local db, creating notebooks in stacks, seeing the note counts, exporting notes/notebooks to pdf + all the above defined in this thread) and immediately rolled back to the "legacy" version.

    If v10 won't be at least aligned to the legacy version before my premium subscription ends, I'm afraid I'll move out.

    Evernote: how could this happen? Rolling out a new release with less than half the features and usability of the previous one? How? Why?


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