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pedro guerra

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  1. My error is the white window displaying all the time, if i turn off the internet, i can use evernote normally.
  2. @Austin G I did it, but still not working, i will send the log files logs.rar
  3. @Austin G I've done this and the problem continues. I only can use evernote if i turn off the internet.
  4. Its stoped for some days, but now the problem came back again. Its exactly like @gustablone video.
  5. I have a bug, i think its autoupdate error. This windows shows up every 10 seconds My log archive : [2020-10-30 16:08:30.851] [info] broker:outside clearWindow for id: 5 [2020-10-30 16:08:30.853] [info] broker:outside Cleaning up from 'unload' event [2020-10-30 16:08:30.870] [info] boron:WindowController Closed the window with webContentsId: 5 url: app://evernote/boronLogin.html [2020-10-30 16:08:34.612] [info] Checking for update [2020-10-30 16:08:34.618] [info] ion-actions:getStringUserSetting MultiError: Key not found in local settings { key: 'BORON_NATIVE_EDITING_FILES_WATCHING' } [2020-10-30 16:08:35.396] [info] Update for version 10.2.4 is not available (latest version: 10.2.4, downgrade is disallowed). [2020-10-30 16:08:35.400] [info] electron:autoUpdater Next update check: 2020-10-31T19:08:35.398Z. [2020-10-30 16:08:46.896] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:09:05.807] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:09:25.509] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:09:35.647] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:09:45.615] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:09:55.559] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:10:05.463] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:10:16.046] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:10:35.883] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:10:55.466] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:11:06.320] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:11:25.747] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned. [2020-10-30 16:11:46.941] [error] boron:mainApplication Error: An object could not be cloned.
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