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David Floyd

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Posts posted by David Floyd

  1. Thanks for your reply.  I should have explained that I am a new user and struggling a bit to get used to Evernote's peculiarities!

    Yes! I have now found the setting you mention and the box is ticked.  There is no explanation as to the effects this has or if there are any options.  I will untick this and see if there is any effect.

    Thanks again


  2. Whatever notebook is set as default, any email that is sent to my evernote email address goes to the wrong notebook.  I have tried setting other notebooks as default but email always go to the same 'wrong' one.  I have tried resetting it by going back to the previous web version but it has no effect.

    I know there is a workaround by putting in the email header @notebookname (substituting notebookname for the desired notebook), but that's a bit of a bind when it should happen automatically when set.

    Any ideas?



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