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this is Rona

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Posts posted by this is Rona

  1. We want this BASIC feature.  PLEASE.  We want LINKS WITHIN NOTES.

    We don't want to make a separate note with a Table of Contents referencing many other notes - we want LINKS/ANCHORS WITHIN NOTES.

    Evernote - is it your intention to NEVER implement this feature?  If so - please, just tell us.  JUST TELL US.  Otherwise - this is ridiculous already.  I see requests from at least 2014 for this BASIC feature.  (Likely there are earlier requests, too.)

    Can you please commit to working on this feature?  Perhaps give us an estimated date for when it will be implemented?

    I'm seriously considering ditching my paid subscription to Evernote because you don't have LINKS/ANCHORS WITHIN NOTES.

    🤯 🤯  🤯 

    • Like 8
  2. When I choose "Learn Spelling" for a word, the red dotted line disappears for that instance of the word.  But if I use the same word again, Evernote does not remember the spelling -  there is a red dotted line under the word.  Furthermore, the option for "Learn Spelling" is non-existent for subsequent uses of the word.

    ** Notice in the screenshot:  I wanted Evernote to learn the spelling of the name "Wormstall".  It learned for the first time, at the top of the screenshot, but not for the next usage of "Wormstall".  *Note the red dotted line.  *Note in the right-click menu (ctrl-click, actually;  I'm on a Mac) the option for "Learn Spelling" is gone.  So it's impossible to get rid of the red dotted line unless I disable spell-check altogether, which I don't want to do.


    (I'm using Evernote 10.16.7 on Mac OS 11.4)

    Screen Shot 2021-07-05 at 10.26.07 AM copy.png

  3. Underneath the title, "Evernote for Mac Requests (Versions 10.0 and above)", appears this text:

             "If you have feedback related to the older version of Evernote for Mac, post here!"

    That is super confusing.  "Version 10.0 and above" implies "10.0 through the current version".  But the line underneath says "feedback related to the older version of Evernote".  Is this the correct forum to post for current version 10.12.5?  Did you mean to say "current" instead of "older"?  If you could fix the typo and/or clarify, that would be great.

    Thanks.  💐

    Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 2.17.23 PM.png

  4. In the Legacy version, in the left side panel, we used to be able to right-click a notebook and see a submenu - to delete, rename, etc.  That functionality is GONE in Evernote 10.12.5.  (That's the version I'm using;  I'm guessing the feature has been gone for all non-Legacy versions.)

    Now we have to navigate to the list of Notebooks, find the one we're looking for, and perform actions there.  But we had a shortcut right there, in the left side panel!  Please, let us right-click there once again.  Please.

    • Like 4
  5. The Problem:  We can no longer play an audio file within Evernote.  Now we have to Download or "Open" it, which then copies the file into our Music Library.  That is a HUGE problem.  I do not want these files in my Music Library or anywhere else on my computer.  That's why I have them stored somewhere else, in Evernote!

    If you force us to duplicate an audio file just in order to listen to it, that defeats the purpose of storing audio files in Evernote.


    * Are you able to update me regarding this request?  If so, I would appreciate that very much.  (I mean a specific update, like, "we see the issue and plan to have the audio player restored by June" or something like that.  Not just, "Thank you for your feedback".  That doesn't help the situation.  (It actually kind of makes things more frustrating.)

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Please help.  Please.

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