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Posts posted by Chris_42

  1. I'd like to be able review and groom my notes to remove unwanted debris.

    The current filter is an inclusive filter, such as "contains". How about a filter on "all notes" that specifies that the note "does not contain"? Or "Is not in location x".

    The "not in location" filter could be obtained by an additional "select all" option like the one on Excel, which then allows the user to check just a small number of items.

  2. The current implementation is a list of versions. So a search would show all versions that have the search parameter.  For my purposes I'm interested in the date and time when change the occurred.  It's an audit trail.  Some people will want to recover the lost content.

    If this was to be taken to the natural conclusion, the history would be displayed as a list of changes rather than as a list of versions.

    For example "this is a sentence" deleted in version date-time, and "new text" added ... etc.  I don't see any value in reporting any changes other than text, images, etc.

    The version is not very helpful to me. It's the content or the change that is important.

  3. It looks like the actual requirement has not been expressed properly.

    The real problem is that the list of stacks and notebooks can become cluttered with items that are not used frequently. Most of us would just like to reduce the size of the list without changing any tags or structures.

    A simple solution would be an option to tick any item in the list so that it is not displayed unless (a) a search reveals a note within the notebook/stack or (b) the option to "reveal all" is selected. 

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