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Matheus Bitencourt

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Posts posted by Matheus Bitencourt

  1. Come on, folks. Killing the performance FOREVER in exchange of some programming convenience. Isn't that bad enough?

    As a developer, I'd never commit such mistake. 90% people are complaining about the performance and bugs. New Evernote is sluggish, filled with hang bugs (those bugs which the screen turns blank empty, and never loads). It's unusable.

    I'm running the Legacy, since few alternatives are worth (Nimbus Note is better in features, but is as slow as new Evernote, being another bad Electron app). I Hope you, guys behind the scene, KEEP the Legacy app supported (I mean, working as it's) for the next 5 years. I'll keep paying and using the Evernote up until the both Legacy Android and Windows apps keep working fine. Later, I'll probably move to Joplin.





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