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Posts posted by arjandotorg

  1. OMG, this new version is sooooo terrible. Notes won't load when I click them in the app, sometimes the app starts with the message that something went wrong.

    It is so sloooooow, not at all what I was used to for the last 10 years. I'm a premium member since 2010 and never had anything to complain about, but this is just nuts!

    I hoped an upgrade to Big Sur would resolve my issues, but nothing changed. A clean install of the app (with AppCleaner, so thoroughly) didn't help.

    What has happened to this app? I use it for absolutely everything, so this is a big disaster.
    Thank god for the legacy version. It's downloading my notes as we speak and it's so fast, but feels outdated. 

    How long has this issue been going on? Why hasn't this been fixed already? I'm eagerly awaiting a new version of the new app that is as fast as the legacy version.
    Please give us an update, Evernote!

    Schermafbeelding 2020-11-26 om 09.37.06.png

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