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Posts posted by MikePearce

  1. Looks like I'll be making the switch to Notability too, got in touch with support this is what they had to say:


    Hello Mike,

    Thanks for your patience. My name is xxx on the technical support team. Your request was routed my way so I can continue assisting you. I understand sketches sometimes don't get saved to the note if you leave Evernote and switch back to the app after some time.

    First, to elaborate on expected behavior with sketches, the sketch will not save to the note unless the 'Done' button is pressed. If you stay in sketch mode, the sketch will stay up for a moment, but if you switch away from Evernote and the app gets shut down by the system (the app can still be 'open' in the background but it is not running to free up memory for the system and other apps to run), then the sketch will not be saved to the note.

    That being said, we are seeing reports of the app refreshing too quickly when it's in the background, which can cause the sketch to stay open for less time — our developers are investigating this problem.

    While we investigate, to make sure sketches are saved to the note, I strongly recommend pressing 'Done' before switching to another app, or before leaving the iPad going to sleep. For more information, I invite you to read the article [How to add hand-drawn sketches to Evernote on iOS devices](https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/213493077-How-to-add-hand-drawn-sketches-to-Evernote-on-iOS-devices).

    I don't think Notability does this. How hard would it be to auto-save? Pretty disappointed with this response.

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