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Posts posted by JuanoManzano

  1. On 7/16/2020 at 10:40 AM, CalS said:

    I doubt this is the feature that will drive EN out of business.  The lack of nested notebooks has generated a LOT more noise.  And password protecting notes or notebooks.  🤷‍♂️ 

    I disagree. I've been an EN premium user for years, and I'm now considering leaving EN and exporting my 5000+ notes to other note-taking apps precisely for the lack of bi-directional links. For years, EN has focused on capturing data through as many sources as possible, but the development of data relational retrieval has been almost abandoned. "Context" suggestions are a very limited approach to show the connections and relations among notes. Bi-directional links allow us to do exactly this!

    The new generation of note-taking apps (Amplenote, Obsidian, Roam Research, etc.) is capitalizing on the persistently weak relational capabilities of EN. If EN developers continue failing to understand that the future of note-taking apps is not on data capture but data relationality, I also predict that EN will be out of business soon. Please revamp EN AI as soon as possible and let the users guide the "Context" algorithm through bi-directional links. Thank you!

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