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Posts posted by dwhly

  1. The new app is quite buggy. It also commits the unforgiveable sin, losing data.

    I'm on an iPhone 11 Pro Max, running 14.2

    Two particular problems I'm noticing.

    1) When I click on a note, the screen comes up blank, except for the little green "back" arrow in upper left.  Restarting the app seems to temporarily fix this, but it returns pretty quickly.  Incredibly annoying.

    2) When editing a note, the app forgets what you type in.  To reproduce:

    -Open an existing note (very short, just a couple lines)

    -Type in a couple words, now shut down the app in iOS-- the new words are lost.

    -Or.... type in a couple words and click the green check mark to stop editing.  Now shut down the app and restart.  New edits are lost.


    What the heck.  You literally had one job-- don't lose my data.  I'm seeing reports of this for a month now, and no effective response.

    Researching alternatives.


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