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Posts posted by Gerald_Jungeblut

  1. Hello everyone,

    I've come across a limitation in Evernote that I find somewhat restrictive and am hoping to find a workaround or spark a discussion that could potentially lead to a feature update. Currently, in Evernote, it is not possible to set the creation date of a note to any date before January 1, 2016.
    This limitation poses a challenge for users like myself who are looking to digitize and organize historical documents within the app.

    Specifically, I have a collection of newspaper clippings from the 1950s and 1960s that I want to preserve and organize in Evernote. The ability to set their creation dates to their actual publication dates would significantly enhance the organization and historical accuracy of my digital archive. However, with the current settings, this level of detailed organization is not possible.

    I understand that this might be a niche request, but I believe it could benefit a wide range of users who use Evernote for archiving historical documents, research papers, and other date-specific materials. Adjusting the limitation on backdating the creation date of notes would provide greater flexibility and utility for users aiming to maintain accurate historical records within their digital note collections.

  2. Hello, I have old newspaper articles that I want to give a new creation date so that sorting by creation date works. Unfortunately, the oldest possible year is 2014 and beyond. Can't the date field be displayed as a simple input field? This would then allow all valid date values.


  3. After installing the latest update on a Windows 10 machine, during the day Evernote reinstalls the previous version
    10.32.4 and this morning Evernote sweetly asks if I want to install the latest version because that's what's available.
    This has been going on for a few days now... the new version is installed... then the previous version again.... and then the next day the latest version would like to be installed again. This is not normal, is it?

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