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Posts posted by lmhaskins

  1. I also came to this note looking for a way to make a note "read-only" so that I do not accidentally modify it.  Also, l like sorting by last-modified, and I hate it when I have a years-old note and I fumble-finger something and now it's considered modified, and therefore shows up at the top of my list.


    I'd like the read-only checkbox in the Info box (web version), if I had my choice of where to mark it read-only.


    (I use the web interface the most since Evernote doesn't have a Linux client)


    Edit: another thing is that I copy from articles I've stored, and when I try to copy some text, it goes into editor mode, which unselects the text I've selected, and takes a while for it to calm down for me to select the text again (web version).

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