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Posts posted by NotableHippo

  1. I spent. bit of time today figuring out how to sort by a table column until 
    I finally did some web searches and learned the feature just isn't part
    of Evernote

    As noted above, adding sorting especially and filtering would be most welcome.
    Those are basic features people have come. to expect from tables. 

    Adding sorting should be a high priority task going forward. 


  2. There are a lot of features I wish Evernote had built in. 


    • Flowchart / Mind mapping
    • Markdown support
    • Automatic exports
    • Extended tagging system
    • Backlinks
    • Wiki simulation

    Most of those will never end up in the main product. 

    Looking at things like Emacs, VSCode, Obsidean, and other that offer a clean and reasonable way to extend the features
    of the base produc. 

    Given that (I think) Evernote runs on electronic like VsCode surely a lot can be learned from how  they do it. 
    It will be harder since Evernote was not designed (I think) for plug-in extensions to begin with, so 
    lots of hooks are probably missing. 

    i would ike to see an active development of all sorts of added features by lovers of Evernote
    Who want a bit more than the base product offers. 


  3. I have been an Evernote user for many years. 
    The number of notes stored increases every way.
    The size of the Evernote sore on the harddisk has become a problem for me. 

    it is by default stored in a hive on the C drive.
    On my laptop the C drive is quite tiny and the D drive has a much larger capacity. 

    When the C drive fills up enough, I can't install any new applications, 
    and space for updates, swap, etc 

    Is there a way to tell EN to keep the data hive on the D drive?

  4. I have a couple of microsites / landing pages to get done.
    Nothing fancy, just some text and pictures. 

    I figured creating them in Evernote would be quick and easy. 
    I created a test page.  It includes a picture and a headline.

    No special symbols, nothing put a header and an image.

    The image is in separate file so it's not embedded.

    I then saved / exported it as HTML it clocked in at an amazing 255kb.

    Filled with a truckload of SVG code:

    /symbol><symbol xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="2ng5H">
    <path d="M13.6677 14.014C13.6677 13.5998 14.0035 13.264 14.4177 13.264H17.639C18.0532 13.264 18.389 13.5998 18.389 14.014C18.389 14.4282 18.0532 14.764 17.639 14.764H14.4177C14.0035 14.764 13.6677 14.4282 13.6677 14.014Z"></path>
    <path d="M14.4177 9.23615C14.0035 9.23615 13.6677 9.57193 13.6677 9.98615C13.6677 10.4004 14.0035 10.7361 14.4177 10.7361H17.639C18.0532 10.7361 18.389 10.4004 18.389 9.98615C18.389 9.57193 18.0532 9.23615 17.639 9.23615H14.4177Z"></path>I c

    I then created the same page in Ulysses, same header, same photo

    That HTML page clocked in at 336 bytes and included exactly the HTML code I had been expecting.

    Are there preferences to be set, or things to understand to get Evernote to export HTML in a much less verbose form.


  5. I will add my voice to please bring back some preferences.

    Further, my most frequent use case is to use the keyboard shortcut to open a new note, 
    so I can paste something into a note and save it. 

    Now I am getting "scratch pad", that tells me I am trying to paste too much text, convert to note saved the 
    scratch and but I am unable to dump my cut and paste buffer into a new note.

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