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Posts posted by Illydth

  1. I have specifically logged in to this form as a first time poster just to respond to this.

    HTML 1.0, released in 1993 had 42 TOTAL tags supported in the language.

    PRE was one of those.

    How the heck hard can it be to create a button to create a code snippit section in Evernote that does not:

    * Spell Correct

    * Replace Quotes with stupid MS Word Style Quotes

    * Replace Double Dashes with Em Dashes

    * Etc.

    This is a CODE BLOCK for Christ's sake.

    This isn't about syntax highlighting, or turning Evernote into an IDE.  It's about simply storing what I want it to store in the format I asked it to store it in.  If I put the word "ansible" into Evernote it should not AUTOMATICALLY change it to "sensible" for me, it should NOT do it AGAIN after I CORRECT it, and it should not take me adding the word to the bloody dictionary before it will finally stop trying to auto-correct it in EVERY LINE.

    I'm not sure who you think your audience is?  Almost every white collar job these days has it's hand in Big Data, Cloud or Web in some way, meaning the VAST MAJORITY of your customer base has SOME NEED to store SOMETHING that looks like an unformatted text string, likely containing words, phrases or symbols that do not translate into a dictionary word.  Again the VAST MAJORITY of these text strings have an importance to be stored AS IS, as copied into the program without ANY modification AT ALL.

    1993 we had that capability on web pages.  Every WIKI, IDE, Forums Software and Text Editor in existence has AT MINIMUM this feature functionality.

    I notice the box I am CURRENTLY TYING IN did not auto-correct any of the words i've put in, making EVEN IT be SIGNIFICANTLY more useful to the standard/average user of your software THAN YOUR ACTUAL SOFTWARE IS.

    I am now ACTIVELY looking to get off your platform.  There are posts i've run across in the last 3 top hits on google dating back to 2016, I don't know how it's even possible after 4 years of customers complaining and in 2020 to have a text editor without basic functionality like "in this block of text, please don't change what I type" let alone "please recognize this block of text for what it is and highlight it appropriately".

    Why do I get the feeling Evernote is a company of two people in a house somewhere who spend all day checking their monthly income statements.

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