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  1. Mine has been working ever since Aman said they were fixing it in the patch on June 14. *fingers crossed* You should ask in the Mac forums though. This is for the web-based page only.
  2. I have been lucky so far, since you mentioned that they were fixing it, mine has not lost any data. But within the web client, I have been highlighting my recently-edited list, copying it, clicking off of the list and outside the table (all of my checkbox lists are within tables), going to another/different note, and then immediately coming back to see if it retained my changes. So far, that has been working. And if it happens to delete it, I still have it copied to my Clipboard to paste it back in. I hope this gets fixed soon. I've been using Evernote for probably around 10 years, and this is the first time ever I've had any issues with it. It's been my favorite note-saving program that I've used.
  3. Unable to contact support either without a paid subscription. I'll just hope that they catch it and fix it. Until then, I'm creating duplicates of my notes and not editing one of them because I just lot another a minute ago. It's definitely when switching notes that it's doing that.
  4. Absolutely not the result of a bad internet connection.
  5. I also use the Web Client, and it stays open pinned in Chrome 24/7 as long as I have my browser open, which is typically for 12 hours at a time. I sometimes use the Android App, which syncs to my account, and thought initially that the syncing may be causing the issue, as the notes seemed to disappear when trying to sync with my phone app. My boyfriend also has access to my shared notes with him, and he logged on, and some disappeared after as well. The issue seems to only have been occurring within the past week (I can guarantee that because I use Evernote daily!), and it seems to be deleting lists that only have checkboxes. For example, I will be editing my list within the table, switch tabs or switch notes (or potentially sync on phone) and everything in that list and table will be removed completely, except for the last line that I was editing. It may be an issue where Evernote isn't saving the changes quickly enough, but how it's deleting stuff on its own is beyond me. It's as if I'm Ctrl-A, hitting delete for everything except for the last line. This has happened at least four times in the past couple of days, and it's unfortunate that restoring your history requires a paid subscription, because that seems to be the only solution at this time until the bug is fixed.
  6. Following this thread. Came here just to see if it was me, or Evernote's most recent update. Only recently began happening within the last week. Losing important information that just disappears and you don't know if and when it happens. Also noticing missing information is from the list check boxes.
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