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Posts posted by brodrigue

  1. My mind is blown that you would be frustrated on the limitations of the free version of a product. You aren't leaving. You were never a customer or a user of the real software. The new features are quickly transforming it from my note and digital storage software to my everything software. I think you would have a different opinion if you weren't looking for something for free. Think about most "free" software.. those companies (Google, FB etc) are taking your data. You are the product. I highly doubt there is any profit in a free tier EN customer. It's basically an evaluation tier. 

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  2. It has been suggested before but the Task list is not very useful to me. It's a popout and I can only see a limited number of tasks in the task view. I would like a kanban view since I find I'm using other tools for this view and not using Tasks in Evernote. In addition, a calendar view with the tasks on the calendar would be very helpful. Similar to the tasks in gmail. I can move tasks around on my calendar. In turn, if i can see those tasks in my current google calendar as a calendar I subscribe to.. would be great. 

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